Wednesday, December 3, 2008

4th file, 4th picture...

Per request by my Auntie's my picture from my 4th file, 4th picture...I know it's of Andon's head injury (no stitches, by the way just an ugly bruise and red mark of course, the day before we were scheduled to take their 4 year pictures)!!! This was posted back in June too titled, "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" because guess what Andon was doing??? Yep, jumping on the bed! He hit his head on a crate that Avery had in her room where she put her books she reads before she falls asleep. That crate is long gone by now!

If you are reading this then you really need to do the same....4th file, 4th picture!


Unknown said...

Yeah! You did it, thanks! I thought it was fun. How are you guys? Ready for the holidays? I am (not!). :)