Saturday, August 30, 2008

Random thoughts...

I think I like Andon's hair longer like in his first day of school pictures....he looks too grown up in the new hamper picture.I guess we'll just trim up over the ears and around the sides.

I am so excited for Tahoe...we leave on Wed afternoon!!!! I can't wait to see Jenni and Steve and just spend time with my family! Oh, and the ike ride around the lake will be fun, too :)

Why is it that I am exhausted and ready for bed on nights that Mark is home and I stay up super late (like tonight) and can't get off the computer when he's gone?!?!

I'm down 23 lbs now....3 away from pre-pregnancy :) I feel awesome!

Tonight, at 9:15pm, I had a scary experience at the drive through teller. I needed some cash to pay the babysitter so I was going to do a quick drive through when a car pulls into the drive-thru teller lane, parks by the machine, turns off his lights and sits there. I quickly pushed cancel and drove off. I got stuck at the light right out front of the credit union and another care came in the opposite direction and stopped right next to the bank....I wasn't quite sure what to do because then the light turned green and the car on the street drove off slowly. Was I just paranoid or should I have called 9-1-1???? If I hear on the news tomorrow that the credit union was robbed then I know my answer!

I think Avery and Andon finally figured out what they want to be for Halloween this year....Avery has been stuck on Dorothy and Andon has teetered back and forth between the Green Witch and now the Green Lollipop Kid.....I am trying to talk him into the Scarecrow because I think it would be so cute and an easy costume!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Peek-a-boo....3 years later

Andon climbed in the empty hamper today (yes empty for a change) so I had Avery hop in too....they look a lot different now years later!!!! Time FLIES!!!!!!!

Dance Recital

Avery had her tap and ballet "recital last was just too cute! She is really starting to dance, not just flop around. SHe knows all her positions and can go there on her own.

She simply ADORES her teacher, Miss Lindsey! She just told us she is 14 weeks pregnant and will only be teaching 1 more 6 week session before taking an 11 month break! So, we weren't going to have any outside school activities this semester but be HAD to sign her up for it! Of course we are going to miss the first class next week while we are in Tahoe but that's's worth it!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day of School

They love preschool!!!! Music to my ears!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Avery Got her Hair Cut!!!

Well, we finally did it...we cut Avery's hair....7.5 inches to be exact ! With her thin hair, we had so many tears when trying to brush out her hair each and every day and I was so frustrated! I have wanted to get this done for a long time but debated doing it before I was able to get them in for their color 4 year pictures (we had it scheduled and then Avery bonked her head and managed to have an enormous black and blue goose egg smack dab in the middle of her forehead).

I will also go back and post pictures from their first day of school...and she has long hair!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Mugsy...the new foster

Here's Mugsy...he's a great dog!!! He quietly barks at new people, especially men, for about the first 5 minutes and then he's your best bud! He loves to lay spread out on the floor quite's so cute!!! He really is a beautiful pug!

Weight loss

Well, I officially hit the 20 lb loss mark!!! I am only 6 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight...woo hoo! Just the last few weeks people have been commenting on the way I look...the hard work is paying off! My clothes don't fit anymore but that's ok...I'll take baggy shorts over pouring myself into clothes that used to fit anyday! My goal is to get back down to that pre-kid weight and then I will re-evaluate my would be really great to be there by our October race in Douglas, AZ :) I'll work on getting together before and after pictures...

Fall Cycling Schedule

September 7th is an exciting date for us because Mark and I are riding around Lake Tahoe on our tandem bike! We'll head up on Wednesday late or Thursday early and then my Aunt Jenni and Uncle Steve are coming on Thursday, Friday Jamie and family are joining us and I am SOOOO excited! I have not met 2 of her 3 kids (what a horrible cousin I am) and it has just plain been too long!!! I can't wait to see the pictures from that trip....I seriously just got excited thinking about it! Here's the fall cycling schedule for us....

Sept 7- Tahoe, 75ish miles around the lake
Sept (after Tahoe)- Triathlon relay with Kelly and Shelly (I'm cycling, Kelly's running, Shelly's swimming)
Mid-October- Cochise Classic in Douglas, AZ- 95ish miles (goal is to achieve Platinum status)
Mid-November- Tour de Tucson- 109 miles (goal is to start and finish Platinum)

Preschool Open House

Today was Avery and Andon's Open House for preschool! We are all very excited! Miss Molly's Christian Preschool is in it's first year and their teacher, Miss Molly, was one of our mentor moms at MOPS this year. There are 10 kids in their class with 2 teachers and it's out of her home. They go 2 days a week but they go for 3 hours (maybe a little more on Wednesdays if they join "The Lunch Bunch") but Mark and I will get some cycling rides in! 3 hours without children...what's a mom to do!?!?!

The kids and I headed over there this morning and on the way, Andon tells me, "Mommy, I don't want you to leave when we go to preschool...oh, I mean, I WANT you to leave." I just giggled and said, "Maybe Miss Molly will let me leave today!". First days don't come flawless, and ours was no exception...we had a leaky water bottle all over Avery's backpack, we forgot to comb Andon's hair and, in his usually weird way, Andon "forgot" to wear underwear!!! I could have knocked him upside the head for strategically not wearing underwear to school....for some reason he will only wear boxer briefs and when he's out of them, instead of telling me, he just doesn't wear them! He has like 10 pairs now so I'm not sure what the deal is! I think we'll be adding that as a responsibility chart subject!!!

Mark is in a bike race up in Utah tomorrow and he brought our camera so I do not have any pictures, but a girlfriend of mine took a few while she was taking pics of her son and I will post them as soon as I receive them from her :) I also will have their token first day of school picture to post and I will be borrowing my mom's camera for those!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Andon and God

Last Sunday we were heading out to church and I reminded Avery and Andon to grab a quarter or two to give to God. On the way out, I hear...

ANDON: "Daddy, do we need money in Heaven?"

Mark: "No, Andon, we don't need money in Heaven actually...why?"

ANDON: "Then why do we give money to God?"

On the way we had a great conversation about where our "Gift to God" goes and he chimed in...

ANDON: "So we have crayons and paper to color in Sunday school."

AVERY: "And crafts and snacks."

They are so honest.....

They both start preschool on August 18th...I CAN'T WAIT!!!! :)

New dogs...

Well, Preston (the tall one) has come and gone and Peaches (the darker one) is getting ready to be adopted this weekend after she gets spayed. Tomorrow we pick up Mugsy and then we have decided to stick with 1 pug at a time! Peaches just ripped her toenail last night and you'll see a picture of her relaxing ont he couch with her sock on....

Soccer and Slip n' Slide

The kids started their first soccer class and the camera was acting up so I only got a few cute ones...sorry if they are blurry. They will probably be starting official soccer in September...uniforms and all!

We found a really fun clearance deal and the kids had a blast...that's all they want to do now!

Washington, DC

Just a quick update on our trip to Washington, DC a few weeks ago. We had a busy time but a fun time and the kids all did great!!!