October 30- We head to Chicago for Halloween and Andon is in awe of his cousin Nathan's ability to ride his bike without training wheels...too bad Andon has ZERO balance on his bike with training wheels.
November 4- Mark takes Andon and Avery's training wheels and pedals off so they can use their feet to learn how to balance. They head down to the greenbelt by our house and get some momentum going down the hills.
November 7- We head outside and start rolling down the driveway without pedals or training wheels. They do great!
November 8- We head over to the greenbelt, put the pedals back on and help them down the hill...the kids both need help as they start to go down the hill and then are able to balance on their own on the flats. On the way home, ANDON STARTS RIDING ALL ON HIS OWN! Avery still weeble-wobbles and is about 85% there! Unbelieveable! Grandma and Grandpas watch out...he can't wait to show you so be ready!!!!
I started to lose it ....he doesn't need me anymore for one more thing...balling my eyes out for about 10 minutes. I'm better now and realize that this will be happening more and more now! I love these kiddos!!!! They grow us so fast!
October 30- We head to Chicago for Halloween and Andon is in awe of his cousin Nathan's ability to ride his bike without training wheels...too bad Andon has ZERO balance on his bike with training wheels.
November 4- Mark takes Andon and Avery's training wheels and pedals off so they can use their feet to learn how to balance. They head down to the greenbelt by our house and get some momentum going down the hills.
November 7- We head outside and start rolling down the driveway without pedals or training wheels. They do great!
November 8- We head over to the greenbelt, put the pedals back on and help them down the hill...the kids both need help as they start to go down the hill and then are able to balance on their own on the flats. On the way home, ANDON STARTS RIDING ALL ON HIS OWN! Avery still weeble-wobbles and is about 85% there! Unbelieveable! Grandma and Grandpas watch out...he can't wait to show you so be ready!!!!
I started to lose it ....he doesn't need me anymore for one more thing...balling my eyes out for about 10 minutes. I'm better now and realize that this will be happening more and more now! I love these kiddos!!!! They grow us so fast!

Awwww, so cute! Don't worry, they're gonna need you for a long time yet!
I was starting to write, "wait till they go to Kindergarten, that's a whole nother level of feeling they've grown up" but then I realized who I was talking too, the kindergarten teacher! You know all about how grown up they seem once they hit that huge milestone!
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