Christmas was a nice and relaxing time for us this year. Mark had to work on Christmas Day and Eve so we e-mailed Santa and asked him to come a day late....he obliged! On our Christmas Eve, mom, Dave, Andy and the kids and I all just literally hung out and munched goodies all day. Christmas morning brought a fun time, bright and early. We opened presents and enjoyed time as a family once again...this time with Mark. Mom got Rock Band 2 and Mario Kart for her Wii and we had fun with that. Andon and mark played with the train a lot and we got some really cute pictures of them doing so...especially Andon. The pictures of the kids all dressed up was on the real Christmas Eve before we headed out to church. The kids did really well as they sat in the "grown up" room together. Hope everyone else had a Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas Eve, Day, Trains
Posted by January Bibbey at 12:53 PM 0 comments
Weight Loss...Almost 1 year Later
Well, I write this 28 lbs lighter and at least 27 inches smaller! I started the year with my first boot camp, did Hot Mommy Boot Camp this summer and have completed the rest on my own cycling, changing my diet and staying motivated! I have lost 6.3% body fat, most of which was after my boot camps were over and I am now in my size 6's again! I even bought a size 4 pair of jeans for the first time since I can remember! I feel great and have included some before pics and recent pics...I can really notice the change in my face. It's funny how few pictures there are of me before I lost weight...I guess that I was subconsciously avoiding the evidence! I am really proud of myself and although I am still battling those last 4 or 5 lbs (which I am trying to shed before February...the last ones are the hardest though), I am still extremely happy! It took a year but it should stay off!!! Now watch, we'll get pregnant again and the journey will begin once again!
First two are me around my heaviest...
The next pic is a cycling shot from September...
One in October...
Taken end of November...
This blows me away...
Posted by January Bibbey at 12:03 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christ-Mas!
The gap that we could never reach across was bridged when God Himself came down, in the flesh of Jesus Christ, to forever carry our burdens of sin. A gift that is readily given to all who shall receive it...let us celebrate the birth of that gift. May He be remembered this Christ-mas and may blessings of joy be received!
Posted by January Bibbey at 8:36 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Blogger Backgrounds
Ahhhh HAAA! I think I fixed the blogging problem! I hated (as did Kelly and I'm sure a few others) the way my last blog read. I love the idea but just couldn't figure out why it was so hard to read. I finally made it much more legible by changing my template through blogger first...what do you think????
Posted by January Bibbey at 10:40 PM 1 comments
Do we, or do we not??? and January's New Job
Warning....this is about as deep as January gets on the blog.....
So Mark and I have been we have more kids or do we not? We both have mixed feelings...The kids will be going to kindergarten next year and that leaves the question do I go back to teaching? The answer to that is no mostly because my cert expires on my birthday this year but also because I just don't want to be committed full time to a job where I will not be able to help in their classroom and be part of their education...I mean that IS my forte! But, I'll feel guilty staying home if the kids are in school (half day or full day will depend on the school we enroll them in and that's a completely different discussion) and what do I do with my time? Clean? Run errands? Become the room parent? Volunteer more?
I go through stages where I think we really would love to be blessed with another baby...probably another set of twins...but is that just because I loved being pregnant (other than the 1st trimester)? Because my good friend, Kelly, is 17 weeks along with her first little girl? I don't know. But then I go through stages where I like being able to do more "stuff" with the kids being older...babies really do keep you from doing a lot of things (all worth it, of course). What about cycling? When will we find time to do that? Plus I just worked SOOO hard at losing 28 lbs and getting below my pre-pregnancy weight! Ok, so really that's not a concern...I did it once and I can do it again! I'm just enjoying wearing size 6's!!! Then there are the issues that we are having with Andon...he's a VERY strong-willed child. Will he outgrow that? Will it get worse if a baby comes? By the way, both kids have already picked names for our new babies....Avery wants to name our baby girl Sarah and Andon wants to name our baby boy Malachai (we'll work on that one with him).
We are planning a big DisneyWorld trip in June with the Chicago Bibbey's so I would like to wait until after that (Disney is just not as fun when you are pregnant) but sometime's I just wish that God would give us a surprise pregnancy so we didn't have to decide the timing. It's His perfect timing anyways, right?
As mentioned above, I have been contemplating going back to work when the kids go to kindergarten. Our Children's Director at church has always said, "Before you go back to teaching, come talk to me because I want to hire you in Children's Ministry." Well, she contacted me two weeks ago and said that a mid week position opened up, effective ASAP, and she thought of me . We began to talk about the different needs right now and as it turns out, they are looking to make some changes..."all the people are on the right bus, just not in the right seat". The offer was made to come on as the N-2's Director as of January 1 and while it isn't the timeline we had anticipated, we decided that it was something to consider. A lot can be done from home, the kids can come with me when I need to go to "work" at church and the pay will help supplement our income allowing Mark to release a little stress about finances! The tough part is it's a weekend commitment for all 4 services (2 Sat night and 3 on Sun morning)...something that will take some adjusting for us all! I am also still the MOPS Coordinator, which was my first commitment, so that will be an additional balancing act! We will also have to stop fostering dogs once Charlie, our current foster, gets adopted because we just can't get them to events on weekends nor have patience to try and teach old dogs new tricks (like peeing outside)! Well, after much prayer and discussions with Mark, I accepted the position so I will be the new N-2's Director effective January 1...not full time, just a 15 hour part-time salary gig.
Please pray with me during this adjustment period...I feel that it's the right decision but everyone will need to be flexible as we get a routine set!
Well, that's enough from me this morning....
Posted by January Bibbey at 9:00 AM 3 comments
Holiday Parties
Is it just me or does it seem like there are many more Christmas parties to attend this year than usual? Usually we have just one or two but this year it was 6! Yes we had a lot of fun at them, getting to spend time without kids with friends, but I'm just exhausted! It's 1 week before Christmas and we still have 2 more to go!
I am having my first annual Girls Night Cookie and Ornament Exchange here tomorrow night and am really surprised that we will have 30-40 people, kids, friends, moms and grandmas, attending this close to Christmas. I was thinking that with it being the Friday before Christmas and kids being out of school that we would have a lot of people who couldn't come and that we would start small for our first one....not so much, only 4 people can't come and most are bringing 1 or 2 guests! Don't get me wrong, the more the merrier and I'm really excited and glad that it was a good date, it's just not what I expected! I'll post some pics....this is a tradition that I am looking forward to keeping up until Avery starts her own!
Posted by January Bibbey at 8:49 AM 1 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Grandma and Grandpa Visit for Thanksgiving
We had a nice visit with Mark's mom and dad who drove all the way out from WY! THey stayed for just shy of a week and the kids really enjyed having Grandma and Grandpa around! We went to the ASU game the day after Thanksgiving and then to the Tempe Parade of Lights. Here are some of our favorite pictures...
Posted by January Bibbey at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Southwest Airlines Kid Christmas Party
Today was our first time attending the SWA Kid Christmas Party! We had a lot of fun and it was just like going to a carnival! There were rides, Santa, live singing and dancing, food, a car show, there were helicopters and planes...really fun! Here are some of our favorite pics...
Posted by January Bibbey at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
4th file, 4th picture...
Per request by my Auntie's my picture from my 4th file, 4th picture...I know it's of Andon's head injury (no stitches, by the way just an ugly bruise and red mark of course, the day before we were scheduled to take their 4 year pictures)!!! This was posted back in June too titled, "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" because guess what Andon was doing??? Yep, jumping on the bed! He hit his head on a crate that Avery had in her room where she put her books she reads before she falls asleep. That crate is long gone by now!
If you are reading this then you really need to do the same....4th file, 4th picture!
Posted by January Bibbey at 3:01 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Family Pictures
We had some pictures taken for the church directory...we got some cute pictures but I'm not thrilled with the ones of Avery and Andon so we are off to get their way-to-late 4 year pictures tomorrow...I'll post them as soon as I get them!
Posted by January Bibbey at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Halloween and Yet another cyclists
~As promised here's a pictures of all 5 cousins, AKA, the Wiz Kids, at Halloween...
~Well, we knew it wouldn't be long but a few days after, Avery became a non-training wheel cyclist! She is getting so much more confident now!
Posted by January Bibbey at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Another cyclist in the house...
October 30- We head to Chicago for Halloween and Andon is in awe of his cousin Nathan's ability to ride his bike without training wheels...too bad Andon has ZERO balance on his bike with training wheels.
November 4- Mark takes Andon and Avery's training wheels and pedals off so they can use their feet to learn how to balance. They head down to the greenbelt by our house and get some momentum going down the hills.
November 7- We head outside and start rolling down the driveway without pedals or training wheels. They do great!
November 8- We head over to the greenbelt, put the pedals back on and help them down the hill...the kids both need help as they start to go down the hill and then are able to balance on their own on the flats. On the way home, ANDON STARTS RIDING ALL ON HIS OWN! Avery still weeble-wobbles and is about 85% there! Unbelieveable! Grandma and Grandpas watch out...he can't wait to show you so be ready!!!!
I started to lose it ....he doesn't need me anymore for one more thing...balling my eyes out for about 10 minutes. I'm better now and realize that this will be happening more and more now! I love these kiddos!!!! They grow us so fast!

Posted by January Bibbey at 3:11 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Halloween...Trunk or Treating
Posted by January Bibbey at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
New Kids on the Block and Canyon lake
Yes, that's right....I went with Kelly and Shelly to the New Kids concert. Make fun all you want but it was such a fun night! We went out to dinner and then were brought right back to the 80's for an awesome concert! Here are some pics...

Posted by January Bibbey at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Weight Loss Update!!!
Well, I just wanted to report that I am officially down 26 lbs and at least 24 inches (knee, thigh, waist, abdomen, and diaphragm only)!!!! My pre-pregnancy weight goal is only 1 lb away, however, I always said that once I reach goal I will readjust if needed. Well, I would like to get down about 6-11 lbs more and then I'll officially be in maintenance phase....I am so proud of myself!!!! Cycling, watching calories, Arbonne 7-day Cleanse and Alternate Day Eating are what did it for me! I'll have Mark take some pictures to post and I'll try and dig up some pre-weight loss before photos, too.
Posted by January Bibbey at 2:02 PM 2 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Cochise Classic
Posted by January Bibbey at 12:35 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
It's raining, It's Pouring...wave!
Tonight as we were driving home from church, it started to rain a little bit...
Andon: "Daddy, it's raining, put up the windshield!"
Mark: "What? How can we see if we put up the windshield? (He means the window shades)
Andon (now getting impatient): "Wave, Daddy, wave!!!"
Mark pushed the windshield wipers and Andon was content! I guess he's just like me and doesn't like the StarWars effect of having rain splattered on the windshield!
Posted by January Bibbey at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Swimming Anyone?
Posted by January Bibbey at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Funny Farm
Today as I was cleaning up the kitchen I overheard Avery and Andon (who had just made a huge mess in the kids corner but hey, they were playing together and not fighting...but we don't get lunch until it's picked up). They had pulled out some of their Little People, something they haven't played with in forever and of course, just the other day I was contemplating getting rid of them, they were playing with Noah's Ark and The Farm. Avery had just piled up all the animals in the ark, including the chicken, and they both made their way back into Andon's room...
Avery: "Can you watch the animals while I go potty?"
Andon: "Oh, ya...sure"
Avery (from the toilet now): "Make sure they don't run out into the street. They move pretty fast....especially the chicken, he's pretty fast!"
Andon: "They are getting pretty sleepy now, it must be naptime."
Avery: "We'd better go put them to bed now."
So out they both head to put all the aimals to bed on the farm....they are still asleep right now...SHHHH!
Posted by January Bibbey at 11:02 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Squirmy Wormy
Posted by January Bibbey at 10:44 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tour de Tahoe

Posted by January Bibbey at 11:58 PM 0 comments