Friday, March 9, 2007

Well, It's Official...

Well, it is official...Mark has been hired by Southwest Airlines!!!! We don't have any specific information yet as far as start dates go but we should know more in the next week or so! This is a huge answer to prayer!!!

Mark was so funny because we have both been on pins and needles these last two days that it got to the point that I knew that he hadn't heard yet by the way he answered so I stopped asking. So this morning he answered that he was, "Just ok." so I assumed that since he just started rambling on and on about his morning (and it is always quite a morning when the tread falls of your airplane's tire!) that he had not. He just went on and on for about 5 minutes and then just threw in, "Oh, and I had a nice conversation with a guy from Southwest this morning..." and my only response was, "WHAT??!?!?!". So needless to say, we are very excited!!!!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS MARK!!!! Yeah, how exciting. We're proud of you!