Thurston and Lovey, our foster dogs, have a new home down in Tucson!!! They just left for the trek down there and I haven't even cried yet!!! They were, are, really great dogs and if we didn't have 2 of our own to love on, we would have probably adopted them!!! It will be weird to go to the bathroom alone now though although I must say I will enjoy the privacy again! I'll post when we get our newest foster, TBD!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
1st Dentist Appointments
Avery and Andon had their first dentist appointments on Thursday! They did so great!
Did whatever was asked of him
Has to stop sucking his fingers as it's showing in his bite (but will get a present mailed to him if he stops care of the Dentist)
Had watermelon "tickle toothpaste"
Now is using a green Sponge Bob toothbrush
Protested laying back in the chair but wore my sunglasses once she finally did
Has textbook teeth and bite (the dentist would have never guessed she ever sucked her fingers)
Also had watermelon "tickle toothpaste"
Now is using a purple Snow White toothbrush
Posted by January Bibbey at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Andon in the Hospital
Andon was in the hospital last week for 3 nights. I was not liking his breathing when he went to bed on Thursday night, the day after his b-day and it seemed worse than when he had pneumonia. Of course, Mark was flying! I called the on-call nurse and she said to take him down to the ER. So my mom rushed over to stay with Avery and Andon and I headed down there. They gave him a breathing treatment in the ER and then we waited for about 45 minutes to see if it allowed him to breathe better. The dr decided to give him another one along with another 45 minute wait. Then they decided to give him some oxygen through his nose and the nurse commented that "his stats were coming back up". I asked what stats he was having difficulty with and it was his blood oxygen levels. They were not coming up on his own so they decided to admit him to the pediatric hospital. Mark was in Burbank and was able to be at the hospital by 10am, thank goodness!
So I spent the night with him in the hospital bed but neither of us were able to get any sleep because by that time it was 4am and his O2 monitor was beeping left and right! To make a long story short, we ended up staying in there through Sunday afternoon with 2 chest x-rays, breathing treatments every 4 hours, steroids every 12 hours. It was a long weekend and they still are not sure what caused it. They do not think it's asthma given his family history and the fact that he wheezes on the way in, not on the way out (which is a clear asthma sign). It may have been allergy induced or a pneumonia like I had originally thought.
Posted by January Bibbey at 4:42 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Happy Birthday...We are 4!!!
My favorite picture...."Please Stay Off the Stage"....Andon can't play the "What, I can't read yet" card for too much longer!!!
Posted by January Bibbey at 10:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Our new twins??????
We are fostering a set of twin pugs, Thurston and Lovey (yep, The Milliionaire and his wife from Gilligan's Island). They are so sweet and get along great with Zowie and Amanda. I don't think that we'll keep them too long as they are just great dogs they will get adopted FAST!!! We just had Z and A groomed and it's so funny that Thurston looks just like Amanda! Can you tell who's who in the pictures??? You don't get any points for finding Zowie!
Posted by January Bibbey at 10:13 PM 2 comments