Saturday, March 15, 2008
Let's go fly a kite...
Posted by January Bibbey at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Last night, Andon, Avery and I were laying on Andon's bed just reading books before bed. After our last book I rolled over and Andon climbed on top of me and caressed my face. Ahh, how sweet, right?!? Well, then he proceeds to kiss me while moving his head side to side. I was a little weirded out so I pulled away (wiping my mouth, by the way). I told Andon, in a very motherly voice, that we just don't kiss our mommy like that....mommy likes smooches (not slobbery, wet kisses from her son). And this is classic, he responds with, "But Mommy, I was just kissing like the prince kisses his princess. You are my princess, Mommy!". So those Disney Princesses are getting some action based on that kiss....hehehe!
Posted by January Bibbey at 4:24 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Back from Disneyland...
Posted by January Bibbey at 2:49 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
We are heading over to Disneyland tomorrow afternoon for a quick trip for just 1 day! This kids are finally tall enough to go on the bigger rides at both parks and I can not wait to see how they do on Splash Mountain, my favorite!!! Ok, I know this is the 4th time that we have been to DIsneyland since the kids were 1 1/2, not to mention the trip to DisneyWorld last September, but it has been a different experience every time!!! I am speaking on kindergarten readiness tomorrow morning at my MOPS group and after lunch and a nap, we are off to the airport! This is the first time that I remember flying to Disneyland but if it's cheaper than gas, it's worth it!!! We are taking a shuttle from the airport and then it will be the first time that we have had time to go walk around Downtown Disney and have dinner there. We are usually so pressed for time! Since the park doesn't open until 10am, we can actually wake up at a decent hour, not rush for breakfast and get there when the gates open. We'll post pics when we get back!
Andon has had such bad allergies lately that he has not been sleeping well. He wakes up tired from not sleeping around 6:30 or 7am, wants to take a nap around 9:30am, then when we put him down for a nap (either around 10:30 or after lunch around 1pm) he doesn't want to take a nap, then fights going to bed and doesn't fall asleep until 10:30 or 11pm! Thus the cycle continues! Needless to say, he has been a crab the last few days....which results in Mark and I getting frustrated!!! Tonight was kind of a breakthrough where we both stayed in there rubbing his back and cuddling for like 20 minutes each. He almost fell asleep but as soon as I got up, he stirred and finally fell asleep on his own! Let's hope on our trip he sleeps ok!
Posted by January Bibbey at 9:33 PM 1 comments
Visit with Grandpa Don
Posted by January Bibbey at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Start em' YOUNG!
Posted by January Bibbey at 9:00 PM 0 comments